Review Finds Many Hemp and CBD Products Sold on Amazon Mislabeled


A report published last week by CBD Oracle found hemp products sold via Amazon were deceptively labeled, with 30% containing undeclared CBD, 36% containing no hemp at all – not even hempseed oil – three of the 56 products containing large doses of delta-8 THC, and about half making an unapproved medical claim.   

To conduct the study, CBD Oracle purchased 56 products from Amazon in December 2023 and January 2024. The products were chosen based on a search for “cbd gummies,” “hemp” and similar terms used by brands, such as “delta gummies.” In all, the review included 45 gummies, eight tinctures, two topical creams, and one pack of mints. The products were available despite Amazon’s official policy banning them. The products were sent to InfiniteCal Labs for testing. 

In a statement, Erik Paulson, PhD, lab manager at InfiniteCAL, said people buying hemp or CBD products from Amazon believing they will derive some benefit are “essentially rolling the dice.” 

“You could be getting CBD-infused products, THC-infused products, hempseed oil-infused products,” he said in a press release, “or it’s very likely you would be getting a product with no hemp in it at all.” 

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