How to get Certified for a medical marijuana card in Ohio
The state of Ohio issues medical marijuana card that enable patients the ability to shop at open dispensaries. To get an Ohio marijuana card, patients must get certified by a state licensed medical marijuana doctor. This can be done online using MedCard Telemedicine.
After visiting with a MMJ doctor online, certified patients receive an approval email from the Ohio Board of Pharmacy. Then Ohio marijuana card patients must pay a $50 annual fee to the state. Patients with disabilities, supplemental income, veteran status or on social security may qualify for a 50% discount.
There are rules and regulations set by the state laid out below. If you would rather hear them from the doctor, fill out the Patient Registration form to get started.

Get or Renew Your Ohio Medical Marijuana Card Today!
For Ohio residents, we make it easy to connect with a certified doctor to get or renew your Medical Marijuana Card. To get started, simply fill out the patient registration form below, press submit, and your on your way to a MedCard telemedicine doctors appointment online. See if you qualify today!

Patient Registration Form

Ohio medical marijuana qualifying conditions:
In order to obtain a medical marijuana card in Ohio, patients must be diagnosed with one of the following qualifying medical conditions.
- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
- Cachexia
- Cancer
- Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
- Crohn’s disease
- Epilepsy or other seizure disorders
- Fibromyalgia
- Glaucoma
- Hepatitis C
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Pain that is either of the following nature: (i) Chronic and severe; or (ii) Intractable
- Parkinson’s disease
- Positive status for HIV
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Sickle cell anemia
- Spinal cord disease or injury
- Tourette’s syndrome
- Traumatic brain injury
- Ulcerative colitis
How to Renew an Ohio medical card
Patients & caregivers must renew their registration through the Patient & Caregiver Registry no more than 90 days prior to the expiration date found on their Registry card.
As with the initial registration, patients will be required to visit their recommending physician before completing their registration renewal.
Registrants will receive email reminders 45 days, 15 days and 1 day prior to their registration’s expiration date if they haven’t renewed their registration.
There is a $50 renewal fee for patients and $25 for caregivers.
Ohio Marijuana Card Certification FAQ
House Bill 523, effective on September 8, 2016, legalized medical marijuana in Ohio.
Patients diagnosed with any of a list of qualifying medical conditions may apply for a medical marijuana card in Ohio. Patients must be approved by a registered Ohio medical marijuana doctor.
An Ohio medical marijuana card permits the cardholder to shop at Ohio dispensaries. It also offers some legal protection from Ohio marijuana possession laws.
Three state government agencies are responsible for the operation of Ohio’s Medical Marijuana Control Program: The Ohio Department of Commerce (industry regulation), The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy (oversees dispensaries and caregivers), and the State Medical Board of Ohio (certifying physicians, qualifying conditions).
Adults over the age of 18 in Ohio with a qualifying condition may be eligible for a medical marijuana license. Patients under the age of 18 must have the consent of a parent or legal guardian.
Ohio medical marijuana patients may designate a caregiver to purchase and administer medical marijuana.
Caregivers must register with the State to purchase, possess, and administer medical marijuana for qualifying patients. Caregivers in Ohio must pay a $25 annual fee.
Each patient can have two caregivers, and an individual can serve as a caregiver for two patients.
Cards are valid from the date of issuance and will expire one year later, on the last day of the month it was issued.
In order to get copies of medical records, the patient or a legal guardian simply needs to contact the current healthcare provider and ask for a copy. Some healthcare providers will require that the patient make a formal request in writing. Some may also require the patient to fill out a request form in person or online.
Doctors and those employed by dispensaries will be able to verify a patient or caregiver’s registration.
All information provided by medical marijuana patients registered with the Ohio Board of Pharmacy’s Patient Registry system is confidential and HIPPA compliant.
The law prohibits the Board of Pharmacy, as well as licensed dispensaries, from making personal identifying information public.
Yes. Employers in Ohio may still test employees for marijuana use. Moreover, employers can hire or fire or demote employees who use medical marijuana.
No. However, patients may be bound to no-smoking policies under their lease.
The state of Ohio allows patients and their respective caregivers the right to purchase and possess up to a 90-day supply of medical marijuana in any form. The 90-day supply is based on the recommending doctor’s prescription.
The correct dosage of medical marijuana products can vary greatly depending on the patient’s medical condition. The patient’s directed dosage and schedule should be determined by their medical marijuana doctor.
THC Dosage Guide
Health insurance and Medicare do not cover medical marijuana because herbal remedies are not approved by the FDA for prescription use. However, there are some drugs that have been approved by the FDA such as Epidiolex (for children with certain types of epilepsy) which contains CBD, and dronabinol/Marinol which is a synthetic cannabinoid similar to THC. Insurance policies might cover these prescription drugs. Check with your insurance provider just in case.
Ohio medical marijuana patients may designate a caregiver to purchase and administer medical marijuana. Caregivers must register with the State to purchase, possess, and administer medical marijuana for qualifying patients.
The patient must designate a caregiver to their physician who will then create a profile in the Patient & Caregiver Registry. The caregiver must then complete registration through the Patient & Caregiver Registry.
If the patient is a minor or a parent or legal guardian must act as a caregiver.
Caregivers may also temporarily apply for registration directly through the Board of Pharmacy using the process outlined here.
There is a $25 annual fee for Caregivers in Ohio.
“Completing Caregiver Registration” video
Patient information can be changed (such as change of address or name) or corrected in the case of an error by logging into the patient registry.
For questions regarding the information on this page, please contact the Ohio Medical Marijuana Toll-Free Helpline at 1-833-4OH-MMCP (1-833-464-6627) or visit the Program’s Contact page.