Tacoma, Washington Makes Entheogenic Psychedelic Prosecution Lowest Priority for Law Enforcement


The Tacoma, Washington City Council last week unanimously passed a resolution to make prosecutions for entheogenic psychedelics the lowest priority for law enforcement, Tacoma Weekly reports. The resolution does not decriminalize entheogen-related activities but makes the investigation, arrest, and prosecution of anyone engaging in activities related to entheogenic psychedelics among Tacoma’s lowest law enforcement priorities.

The resolution also includes language stating that the city council supports decriminalization of the psychedelics to help facilitate mental health treatment research in the use of entheogens. 

Council member Joe Bushnell, the resolution’s lead sponsor and U.S. Marine Corps veteran, told Tacoma Weekly that the “resolution is a testament” to the board’s “commitment in exploring innovative and compassionate approaches to mental health.”   

“In the United States, there are 22 veterans a day who commit suicide. As a veteran who lives with (post-traumatic stress disorder), I’m acutely aware of the challenges faced by those struggling with mental health conditions. The promising research on the therapeutic potential of entheogens, particularly psilocybin, offers a beacon of hope. By declaring our support for decriminalizing these substances, we can advocate for further research and potentially life-changing treatments.” — Bushnell via Tacoma Weekly 


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